Winter Classes

Friday Night Art Club 5-7pm
Starting Sept 6, Ongoing …

5pm - 7pm
Starting Sept 6, ongoing
5 and up
$120.00 for 5 classes
$25 drop in

This open session begins with a quick drawing exercise to build on basics before cutting kids loose to create whatever piques their fancy. We will work through the four stages of the process: Imagine, design, create and decorate. Sign up or drop in! Mr. Abel also will work with any kids interested in puppet creation during this time, allowing kids to work at their own pace.

Thursday After School 4-5:30pm
The Macro and Micro

Nov 7, 14, 21, Dec 5 and 12
5 and up

This class will focus on drawing, painting and crafting big things  small and little things large! Our ongoing project will be a mosaic with each part being it's own piece of art. While not exclusively seasonal, we will have some themed classes

Friday Homeschool
The Macro and Micro

Nov 1, 8, 15, 22, Dec 6 and 13
5 and up

This class will focus on drawing, painting and crafting big things  small and little things large! Our ongoing project will be a mosaic with each part being it's own piece of art. While not exclusively seasonal, we will have some themed classes